Sunday, September 1, 2013

Historic Damon Tavern Open during Apple Festival- September 21, 2013

The circa 1817 David Damon Tavern, will be open during the North Reading Historical and Antiquarian Society’s Apple Festival on Saturday, September 21. Please stop by to reacquaint yourself with this historic tavern… a remarkable and enduring gem in the heart of North Reading! 

 Suzanne Korn of North Reading will be at the Historical Society’s Welcome Center to meet and greet and to answer any questions you might have about the Tavern and the folk art landscape murals that are found in the second floor ballroom.  The murals are attributed to 19th century itinerant artisan, Rufus Porter.  Please Note:  The murals are not open to the public at this time.

 Suzanne is a self-described “student” of Rufus Porter and Moses Eaton, Jr., both 19th-century New England folk artists.  Through her published research, illustrated talks, and artwork, Suzanne educates others about the extraordinary role Eaton and Porter’s folk art played in the lives of 19th century rural New Englanders. In the summer of 2005, Suzanne completed a project at the Damon Tavern, where she stenciled the walls of the Welcome Center in the tradition of Moses Eaton Jr. 

During the Apple Festival, Suzanne’s artwork will be on display and she will demonstrate the techniques and methodologies for creating a Rufus Porter style folk art landscape. North Reading Historical and Antiquarian Society merchandise as well as Suzanne's Rufus Porter-inspired notecards and artwork will be for sale.

On the day of the Apple Festival, don’t  forget to stop by the Damon Tavern!  It is located at 21 Bow Street… just down the sidewalk from the Rev. Putnam house and across the street from the Flint Library…
Contact Suzanne Korn at with any questions!